Another episode is almost concluded and a new episode in the life of our boat is about to begin: tomorrow it will hit the water!
The last few weeks have been quite hectic. At my work we sold quite a large yacht, allowing us to finally pay some debtors and push the progress. Leading to the fact that she will go out of the boatyard tomorrow.
Peter towed her with the car to the exit of the boatyard, yes, our boat is trailerable and today they we're supposed to lift her on the truck. I say supposed to, the crane that arrived was too small to load our boat... Now they come tomorrow morning at 5h00 with a bigger crane. So Peter is about to scream and very tense at the moment. He's been having sleepless nights since two weeks, since all sort of things we wanted to do went wrong.
We ordered the windows last year; gave the templates, or better the cutouts to the windowman, who had to redo them a couple of times, due to delivering them with incorrect thicknesses etc. Two had to be redone due to our fault, since we didn't realise that you can't cut hardened glass, of course, when installing the windows last weekend, nothing fitted. Then you're very happy that we could adjust the boat to the windows.
Oh well, so there are more stories to tell about hiring people who then never show up, or get you to buy material for them and then quit. But tomorrow our baby will move to Hout Bay and then we will have another nerve wrecking session of getting her to the mooring.
Margi, our "mother" at Searescue will give a speech and throw a bottle of bubblies to the yacht. Then it will hopefully not so long any more before we can have a proper party and move back onto the boat!