The other day I commented on a friends blog, that he should update it more frequently, but got the ball back. See that it's been a month since we last updated this blog. Even got an email from my mother-in-law, but then, she's having an infection on her leg and needs to sit a lot at the moment. She uses that time to surf on the internet, a truly remarkable lady.
We have hired Colin, a boat builder, to do a number of jobs for us, so the show can get a bit more moving. At the moment when friends ask how is it going with the boat, I ask for the next question. In fact, some days I have the feeling we have been able to do quite a number of things, but most days I just see this long list of things that we still need to do.
There are the odd jobs that I can do, but mostly Peter lets me off the hook. Yes, I'm exploiting the fact that I'm a woman and I bring him a beer or G&T around 5... Hope that no emancipated women are reading this, but lucky we don't live in an age where they were burning their bras!
Haven't canceled the rent for our apartment yet, we still have a bet about the time when we will leave and according to Allan and Eva we will still be there with Christmas. They do speak out of experience; when Allan took their boat out of the water for an at most 6 month job, Gremlin was relaunched about 5 years later and is still not completely recovered...
So, most weekends you can find us on the boat and we hope that soon we can give a final date of when we move in.
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